Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ultimate Podcast: The UltiVerse

A couple weeks ago I was zoning out thinking about Ultimate (what else?) when it hit me that there really isn't an Ultimate voice presence on the internet. This struck me as particularly strange since as we all know very well Ultimate players LOVE to talk. So, I decided to do something about it and went ahead and built

My plan is to talk to as many Ultimate personalities as possible and post my interviews as a podcast. For my first interview I talked to Tiina Booth and George Cooke about their experiences running NUTC and the UCPC. We also covered some stories about their lives and their vision for the future of Ultimate.

Next week I'm talking to Chase Sparling-Beckley and DeAnna Ball about their recent Spirit Awards. After that I have MikeG, Frank, and Ulticritic scheduled to talk about RSD.

I have my own list of questions that I am working on for each interview but I'm interested in what everyone out there thinks would be good questions. So, head on over to and let me know what you think I should ask.

My goal is to post an interview at least every two weeks and cover a wide range of Ultimate related topics. If you have any suggestions for interviews, or any comments at all for that matter, make sure to send them my way.
