Sunday, February 12, 2006

oooh!! - pretty new layout!

oh la la, pretty new images on the site, the beginning of our massive branding and brain washing campaign i daresay! In addition to the very prominent header image (above), there are also a few more suddle changes, which unless you are really looking you will barely notice. however hopefully they will enhance the look and feel of the site, and the benefit overall user experience.

also now availiable is a new banner ad if you want to link to the site with something more than a text link. just scroll down, its on the right hand side and all you have to do is copy and paste the code.

whats more exciting than this layout though is our addition of two new contributors!

Jason Becker of Missouri


Sean McCall of Texas

yet one more small step in our efforts to provide a comprehensive national forum for high school ultimate discussion, commentary, news and hype. so enjoy, we also have some more content-based excitemen coming up in the next few weeks, if you look hard enough you might be able to find some foreshadowing of what is to come....


hfast said...

why PINK for the link? Ahh...
(subtle* is the correct spelling for... suddle? meh, all that AP crap is getting to me)

McCabe said...

gotta keep it original :)

TallE said...

I gotta say I liked "playultimate classic" better... the feet picture was pretty cool.
Maybe it will grow on me...