I was poking around score reporter and i figured it would be interesting to look at a map of the current state of high school ultimate in the US.
The result if the follow. All the states in blue have a UPA sanctioned state championship taking place this season, the red on the other hand, do not.
What then, about the states where we know ultimate exists but there is no state championship yet? That's the map you see below you here - those states are highlighted in a beige.A few observations:
- Some of the states without championships have had high school ultimate rocking for a while - Texas and Connecticut for example.
- Some of the states with Champs surprised me a lot, because I hadnt even heard of teams before - Indiana, Utah and Idaho - huge props go out to whoever is organizing things in these places - making it happen in a big way.
Overall this is a significant expansion over the past few years of course - right now there are 24 states with championships 26 without.
But the question is how do you start leagues in those states and cities that don't have them yet. Usually it falls on a willing and motivated individual who already lives in the city and wants to see something happen.
But what if there were another, more effective, already practiced way that the UPA could expand the sport into the remaining 18 states and create lasting leagues within 3 years.
I have the brief outlines of such a plan that I'll post later in the week.
It's possible to do this, it is entirely feasible, the question is does the UPA have the drive to make such a plan happen? I hope so.
Check back in and post your feedback.
PS - ignore the numbers in the maps, those are electoral votes (i cheated and made the map with an election calculator - in case anyone is wondering the current state of high school ultimate championships garners 311 electoral votes. aka the oval office and bragging rights)
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