Sunday, May 11, 2008

Westerns: ladies

This morning the Churchill ladies took on Hopkins in the last pool
play game in the A pool, while the B pool played both their last two
play games early where cretin beat hale in 20mph winds 6-5.

The quarters were then set as:
Churchill vs Alameda - [11-02]
Hale vs SAAS - (11-08]

Northwest vs Lakeside - [07-05]
Cretin vs Hopkins - [05-02]

Semis: (starting in less than 10min)
Churchill vs
Cretin vs Northwest


Anonymous said...

The winds were pretty bad.
1st rounds were pretty low scoring in the B pool.
Most, if not all, goals were down wind so points would go back and forth. Cretin was able to finish and win their games though

6-5 against hale
5-4 against alameda

All the teams deserve props for playing in that wind though.